If you’re concerned that someone is invading your privacy, we have the counter-surveillance solutions you need. We use our hidden camera detector or audio bug detector to quickly assess what’s going on. You have the right to know for sure if someone’s watching or listening without your consent. Our camera finders are the simplest and most economical way to find almost any camera in almost any room, including wired and wireless cams. In addition to spy camera detectors or hidden camera finders and RF bug detection systems, offer a variety of powerful counter surveillance solutions.

  1. Sweeping for bugs and cameras R35 per square meter. 
  2. Sweeping of Vehicles R900.
  3. Cell Phone and Laptops R1100 (Device to be booked in at our office)

Tel: 012 653 0074 
Cell: 082 4479223 
Email: cils@mweb.co.za